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Extrica Setup

Overview of dbt-extrica

  • Maintained by: Extrica, Trianz
  • Authors: Gaurav Mittal, Viney Kumar, Mohammed Feroz, and Mrinal Mayank
  • GitHub repo: extricatrianz/dbt-extrica
  • PyPI package: dbt-extrica
  • Supported dbt Core version: v1.7.2 and newer
  • dbt Cloud support: Not Supported
  • Minimum data platform version: n/a

Installing dbt-extrica

Use pip to install the adapter, which automatically installs dbt-core and any additional dependencies. Use the following command for installation:

python -m pip install dbt-extrica

Connecting to Extrica

Example profiles.yml

Here is an example of dbt-extrica profiles. At a minimum, you need to specify type, method, username, password host, port, schema, catalog and threads.

type: extrica
method: jwt
username: [username for jwt auth]
password: [password for jwt auth]
host: [extrica hostname]
port: [port number]
schema: [dev_schema]
catalog: [catalog_name]
threads: [1 or more]

type: extrica
method: jwt
username: [username for jwt auth]
password: [password for jwt auth]
host: [extrica hostname]
port: [port number]
schema: [dev_schema]
catalog: [catalog_name]
threads: [1 or more]
target: dev

Description of Extrica Profile Fields

typestringSpecifies the type of dbt adapter (Extrica).
methodjwtAuthentication method for JWT authentication.
usernamestringUsername for JWT authentication. The obtained JWT token is used to initialize a trino.auth.JWTAuthentication object.
passwordstringPassword for JWT authentication. The obtained JWT token is used to initialize a trino.auth.JWTAuthentication object.
hoststringThe host parameter specifies the hostname or IP address of the Extrica's Trino server.
portintegerThe port parameter specifies the port number on which the Extrica's Trino server is listening.
schemastringSchema or database name for the connection.
catalogstringName of the catalog representing the data source.
threadsintegerNumber of threads for parallel execution of queries. (1 or more)