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Connect Teradata preview

Your environment(s) must be on "Versionless" to use the Teradata connection.

HostHost name of your Teradata
PortThe database port number. Equivalent to the Teradata JDBC Driver DBS_PORT connection parameter.Quoted integerOptional1025
RetriesNumber of times to retry to connect to database upon error.Integeroptional10
Request timeoutThe waiting period between connections attempts in seconds. Default is "1" second.Quoted integerOptional3
Example of the Teradata connection fields.Example of the Teradata connection fields.

Development and deployment credentials

UsernameThe database username. Equivalent to the Teradata JDBC Driver USER connection parameter.StringRequireddatabase_username
PasswordThe database password. Equivalent to the Teradata JDBC Driver PASSWORD connection parameter.StringRequiredDatabasePassword123
SchemaSpecifies the initial database to use after login, rather than the user's default database.StringRequireddbtlabsdocstest
Example of the developer credential fields.Example of the developer credential fields.